
Kalundborg is a charming town and one of the best-preserved medieval towns in Denmark. Here you can see the five-tower church wich is a unique architectural monument.

In the "modern Kalundborg" you can go shopping and take at break at one of the cafés.  Kalundborg is Denmark's third largest cruise port which means that the town is well visited by Englishmen who enjoy our hospitality. 

Movie from Kalundborg

I Adelgade 6 finder du byens kunstgalleri - Bispegården. Bispegården blev opført i årene 1450-1480 af biskoppen, som skulle bruge huset, når han var på besøg i Kalundborg – heraf navnet. Bygningen tilhører nu Kalundborg Kommune, og siden 1981 er bygningen blevet brugt til kunstudstillinger og restaurant. Året rundt er her skiftende udstillinger med professionelle kunstneres værker – arrangeret af Kalundborg Kunstforening. Der er gratis entre.

Kalundborg has a really nice pedestrian street, with good cafes and inspiring shops. Kalundborg also has many specialty shops that will be gone the extra mile for the customer. You can definitely find something here that you did not know you just were missing. 

Attractions in the town Kalundborg

In Kalundborg, you can find both an old town, built in the Middle Age and the modern town with shops and cafes

The five-towered church in Kalundborg is "one of a kind". When you arrive to Kalundborg, it is one of the firste things you see - it stands on the old city's highest point and is a symbol of the heavenly Jerusalem.

The historical Kalundborg

Kalundborg is a well-preserved medieval town. It was Esben Snare (about 1170), who build the town walls, moats and streets in this town that was build in connection with his fort (Vester forborg). If you visit the old part of town today, you will still find Adelgade and the two streets along the town wall exactly where Esben Snare placed them. 

Overfor Vor Frue Kirke, i Adelgade 23, finder du Kalundborg Museum, der har til huse i Lindegården, der er bygget 1600-1750 og danner en enestående ramme om museets betydelige samlinger. Disse belyser den kulturhistoriske udvikling på Kalundborg-egnen fra oldtid til ca. 1900. Der er en betydelig oldsags- og middelaldersamling samt en stor dragtsamling med røsnæsdragter og bydragter fra 1750 til 1914.

The Crusaders gather in the 1200-century in Kalundborg and the they went through Storstrømmen beyond the Baltic Sea to the Estonia and other Baltic countries

Den gamle bydel i Kalundborg kalder vi Højbyen. Højbyen i Kalundborg er en af landets bedst bevarede middelalderbyer og flere af husene her er helt tilbage fra 1400- eller 1500-tallet.

A holiday is not a holiday without food and drink


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